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Berlin - Escape Tunnels between East and West Berlin
Treptower Strasse
in the early 1960s
Most escape tunnels were excavated shortly after the construction of the wall in the first half of the 60s, as it later became much more difficult. The district of Neuköln became the place where most people tried to dig under the wall, but the work was dangerous and not infrequently awaited "Stasi" on the other side.
This is how the border looked like from West Berlin on Heidelberger Straße, from where a famous tunnel went from.
After almost half a century, members of the association Berliner Unterwelten have rediscovered the failed flight tunnel. Peter Arndt, his brother Dieter and Jürgen Dill had dug the tunnel in June 1962 to bring seven friends and family from East Berlin to freedom. The three young men dug from the house in Heidelberger Straße 36 Neukölln.
Escape helper Peter Arndt revisits the descent to the tunnel
Heidelberger Str. 36, 12059 Berlin
Approx. 15 minutes' walk to Treptower Park S station