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Selected cities in Toscany

Lake Garda:


by Lars Haagen Petersen

Toscana Coat of Arms

Toscany - coat of arms

A quiet evening in San Gimignano - Summer 2018

Beautiful Tuscan countryside at San Gimignano - Summer 2018

Tuscany is unquestionably one of the most beautiful places in Europe with its enchanting panoramas and idyllic landscapes, but the area is also in many other areas enriched to a degree that is rarely seen. Because of this, there are a myriad of reasons to visit Tuscany.

Tuscan cuisine is rightly considered one of the absolute best in the world


The entrance to a truffle shop in San Gimignano

Tuscany offers i.a. delicious fish dishes, powerful meat dishes with beef or wild boar, which is very popular. Here the meat is used e.g. in tasty and powerful soups or cooked on the grill. It is also from here that the Fiorentina steak has its origins.

A butcher shop in San Gimignano - Summer 2018

The wines are a chapter in themselves - Just as Tuscan cuisine is world-class, the wines do not hold back either. Red wines like Chianti, Brunello and the white wine Frascati are famous all over the world.

The Sangiovese grape thrives best in Tuscany. It is the most widely planted grape variety in all of Italy, but in Tuscany the climate is perfect and the producers are focused on quality rather than quantity. As the landscape in Tuscany is also very hilly, the grapes get more sun here while the temperature fluctuates relatively much from day to night. This helps the grapes better retain their vital acidity and aroma.

Brunello di Montalcino

A red wine like Brunello di Montalcino is considered one of the absolute best and it is not cheap either. It is often sold from 40 Euro and "sky is the limit", as they say.

A vineyard at Montalcino - Summer 2018

- But Tuscany is not just rich in beautiful landscapes, good food and excellent wines. Tuscany is also known for its history, its artistic and cultural heritage, and not least for its influence. The Italian Renaissance had its origins largely here and not least in Florence, which has been home to many historical figures who influenced science and art history. Great Tuscan geniuses like Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo - Writers like Dante and Petrarca have had a colossal influence not just in their time but in the time after and in most of the world. Their influence is hard to overestimate.

The square in San Gimignano - Summer 2018

Tuscany is also rich in a myriad of interesting medieval towns that fit nicely into the Tuscan countryside. In addition to the capital Florence should also be mentioned Siena, Lucca, San Gimignano, Volterra, Montalcino and Pisa. One could rightly add more, but the above are probably the best known.

Lucca - Summer 201

Not all towns and houses are equally well maintained, but that does not necessarily make them any less interesting or beautiful for that matter. The picture above was taken in Lucca.

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