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Roger Moorhouse - Berlin at war
In 2012, a remarkable and excellent book by Roger Moorhouse was published - Berlin at War - which depicts everyday life in Berlin during the Second World War. Countless books have been written about the war, about Hitler, about Nazism, about the battle for Berlin, etc., but here is finally a book about the war and its development with a completely different perspective. The book depicts the war from the point of view of the civilian population. The book is written with a rare empathy for the struggle the civilian population had to fight and endure on a daily basis. The daily challenges with everything from getting food to surviving the increasing bomb attacks and finally street fights and assaults. The book is filled with invaluable personal eyewitness accounts of how - as he himself writes - "a city of 5 million souls experienced the six years of war."
In his preface, Moorhoose writes about his book:
"I hope that my book will show that you are
quite wrong if you imagine wartime Berliners as an indoctrinated collection of
Nazified robots sleepwalking towards disaster. The many Berliners I have spoken
to have given me an understanding that Berlin was a city where two minorities -
of active Nazis and active non-Nazis respectively - stood on opposite sides of
an ambivalent majority whose main goal was simply to take care of itself and
whose strongest emotions were fear and self-preservation. In this sense, wartime
Berliners have far more in common with us than we might be inclined to admit.
'They' are not really that different from 'us'."
The book is highly recommended because it is excellent and hard to put down.
Wanted Berlin is always worth a visit - summer or winter
- but where to go? Here are some slightly unusual and very different
suggestions for places I like to go.