Azenhas do Mar

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by Lars Haagen Petersen

Azenhas do Mar

Azenhas do Mar - Spring 2009

The idyllic village of Azenhas do Mar, located between Praia das Maçãs and Ericeira in the Sintra region, is so definitely worth a visit. Not only because of the excellent location facing the Atlantic Ocean, but also because many of the white houses are beautifully but dangerously close to the edge of a high cliff.

In the last century, many artists should have settled here to get inspiration ...

... and it's not hard to understand why ...

Azenhas do Mar

... It's an incredibly beautiful experience to see the waves from the Atlantic See crashing up the steep cliff sides.

Azenhas do Mar - Spring 2009

Another attraction is the excellent restaurant of the same name as the town, which serves a wide selection of "everything good from the sea", which is said to have been captured by the owners themselves.

Azenhas do Mar

Inside the village, signs point the way to the restaurant - Azenhas do Mar - Spring 2009

Once you get the menu card, you quickly focus on the three-digit euro prices ....

Azenhas do Mar

... but when the heart has calmed down, one quickly discovers that there are also excellent dishes at more ordinary prices....

Azenhas do Mar

........ for the same reason, you should not be intimidated either. It is rare that you get such an excellent total experience so cheap.

Azenhas do Mar - Spring 2009

Azenhas do Mar

The restaurant specializes in fish dishes - Azenhas do Mar - Spring 2009

The population grew significantly after 1930, when power cable was laid to the area.

Azenhas do Mar

Azenhas do Mar - Spring 2009

The small village by the Atlantic Ocean does not have many permanent residents - approx. 800 - but especially in the summer many tourists come by.


Azenhas do Mar

Azenhas do Mar - Spring 2009

The main occupation in the area is agriculture - with a special focus on wine production - but fishing and seafood collection also employ some of the locals.

Azenhas do Mar

Azenhas do Mar - Spring 2009

Click on the pictures to enlarge them

Azenhas do Mar
Azenhas do Mar Azenhas do Mar

Various photos from Azenhas do Mar - Spring 2009


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