Cycle route Weesp - Hilversum









Cycle route Weesp - Hilversum

by Lars Haagen Petersen

The next route I will describe is a route between the two cities Weesp and Hilversum. Hilversum is the largest city in the heart of the beautiful area the Dutch call Het Gooi (See map down below).

As I have been written before I don't find Hilversum attractive and the only reason why I write about a cycle route to Hilversum is because of the 16 km route and not because of the city which is at the end of it.

Photo from Het Gooi - Spring 2008

Windmills near Vecht

The cycle route:

When you come from the centre of Weesp turn right after you have passed fort Ossenmarkt and follow 's-Gravelandseweg along the river Vecht. After about 4 km you can see the remains of fort Uitermeer, which you should make a break to see. After the fort follow the narrow road Kreugerlaan.

Melkment - Summer 2010

Just before the road Melkmeent starts you can se one of the many small bunkers which were built just before World War II. The bunker will be on your left hand and in a private garden. Along the road there will be a lot of different birds because of the wet environment. After you have passed the crossroad and the sluice you will have Hilversumse to your left. When you come to Hilversumse-Meentweg you cross it and you will be on Melkestraat. Then you get to the gas station and the Franse Kampweg where you cross the road to the gate to the small wood. Now you are on Oude-Meentweg. Short after you will see a bench on your right and a little lake some 100 meters down below. If you take a break there before sunset and if you are just a little lucky you can see deer pass by.

Oude-Meentweeg - Summer 2010

Bantam - Spring 2023

Not least in the spring, you can see a great lushness in the previously well-groomed park, which is now largely allowed to adapt to the order of nature.

Many years ago, it was a park belonging to the owners of a monumental country house - Landhuis Bantam - which was demolished in 1971 after the fire brigade had used it as a practice project. You can still find traces if you look closely, and you can see a picture of the house if you look into the pipe lined up down by the water.

Landhuis Bantam before it was demolished - Autumn 2020

Landhuis Bantam is a historic country house in Hilversum, that is part of the so-called 's-Gravelandse Buitenplaatsen. It is an area with many old mansions and parks, that were built by wealthy merchants from Amsterdam in the 17th and 18th centuries.

Bantam - Summer 2023

Landhuis Bantam was built in 1878 by Maurits Jacob van Lennep and his wife Caroline Wilhelmine van Loon. They hired the famous landscape architect J.D. Zocher to design the park around the house, which was named “Klein Zwitserland” (Little Switzerland) because of the hilly landscape.
Landhuis Bantam was destroyed by a fire in 1919, but the park is still preserved as a natuurgebied (nature reserve), that is open to the public. Here you can enjoy a nice walk along the winding paths and the venerable avenues, and see the remains of the old country house, such as the stairs to the main entrance.

Stairs to the demolished Landhuis Bantam - Summer 2020

After the break at the Bantam house follow Oude-Meentweg and you will come to another gate which you have to get through. While you are on Oude-Meentweg you should make another break when you come to the crossroad.

Click on the picture to enlarge

Take a little walk to the right until you come to an open space and take a good look around in the sky. If you are lucky you can see an eagle or other birds of prey. Last time I was there I saw two. After the break you just carry on in the same direction as before and you will come to another road also with the name 's-Gravelandseweg. If you follow that to the left you will be in the centre of Hilversum after a short time.

On the way to Hilversum you will travel through different kinds of landscape -

Spring 2008

....but water you will find everywhere

.....and that is one of the main reasons why I like the area so much

Pictures from Het Gooi

River Vecht - Spring 2008

I have always loved these old and beautiful mahogany boats.

When you are bicycling near Weesp or probably everywhere else in the flat Dutch landscape..... can always be sure you will meet some friendly and smiling local people ....

...but if you think there are too few, you can always pull out your camera and they will all smile.

Pictures from Melkment - Late Summer 2010

One of the sluices on the way to Hilversum - Spring 2008

From the main street in Hilversum I think - Autumn 2020

A vineyard near Hilversum - Summer 2020

Just like in Denmark it's not unusual to see a vineyard in the flat landscape. The picture above is from "Wijngaard Land en Bosch", Leeuwenlaan 34, 'S-Graveland. Close to the cycle route and almost in Hilversum.

The Cykel route from Weesp to Hilversum - Click on the map above for further information

Recommendable Cycle Routes Near Weesp:

Click on the pictures to enlarge them.

Pictures from the cycle route Weesp - Hilversum - Spring 2008

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