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Cycle route Weesp - Muiden

by Lars Haagen Petersen

The first route (see map below) I will describe is a very short one because there is only 3 - 4 km from Weesp to Muiden. This cycle route is good when you for example are short on time or if you have small children on their own bikes. It is also very easy to use because you just have to follow the river Vecht from Weesp to the IJmeer.

Muiden - Autumn 2020

The small town Muiden lies at the mouth of the Vecht and where the river discharges into the Markermeer. In Muiden you can see a lot of boats and The Muiderslot, which is a well preserved castle from the Middle Ages. Muiden is a cosy place and you won't regret the visit.

The sluis in Muiden harbour - Spring 2008

Video - Muiden

Music: Ketsa - Journey Near Complete (remastered)

The cycle route:

When you come from the center of Weesp turn left after you have passed fort Ossenmarkt and follow the river Vecht. On the way you will se a lot of houseboats on your left side. After about 4 km you will se a sign: "Muiden". Follow the sign and you will soon be in the centre of the city.

On the way to Muiden

you will see a lot of beautiful

boats -

Spring 2008

....and a lot of houseboats

Along the river Vecht

you will enjoy life

Since I drove a long the river Vecht for the first time a couple of years ago I have loved to watch the traffic and the life on the river.

Muiden harbour - Autumn 2020

Muiden harbour entrance - Spring 2008

There are not many citizens in Muiden, but on a hot summers day there may be queues at the restaurant tables.

The city is popular and people often travels to Muiden from far away. .

Even on a rainy day Muiden is worth a visit..

Muiden - August 2014
Muiden -Autumn 2020

It's always a pleasure to me to visit small towns like Muiden because everything seems to be so peaceful and relaxed.

Airphoto of Muiden in North Holland (I) - Spring 2007

The Cykel route from Weesp to Muiden - Click on the map above for further information

Recommendable Cycle Routes Near Weesp:

Click on the pictures to enlarge them.

Muiden in North Holland - Spring 2008

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