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Selected cities in Toscany

Lake Garda:

Malcesine by Lake Garda

af Lars Haagen Petersen

The harbor in Malcesine

Malcesine is one of the most charming ancient medieval towns on Lake Garda. The city is located 50 kilometers northwest of Verona on the north shore of Lake Garda in the Italian region of Veneto. The medieval town, which has about 3,500 inhabitants, is known for its small narrow and cozy streets, which in high season are filled with mainly tourists.

Malcesine seen from a penthouse in inner city - Summer 2019

Many tourists stay in Malcesine in high season, so it is a good idea to book accommodation well in advance. In addition, there is a rich selection of hotels and apartments that can be booked at an affordable price.

The town square with the town hall in the background - Summer 2019

A small video - Sommer 2021

Music: Dee Yan-Key - Samba Pop

One of the gangways at the harbor - Summer 2019

The city is rich in all sorts of whimsical decorations that have been added over time - Summer 2019

The small port of Malcesine - Wedding - Summer 2019

Many people choose to get married in Malcesine to subsequently celebrate the wedding with a small ceamoni either down by the harbor or at the medieval castle.

Happy days at the small port of Malcesine - A wedding to be celebrated - Summer 2019

At the harbor you can see many nice little fish restaurants. Typically, fish from Lake Garda is served - Summer 2019

There is plenty of opportunity to rent all kinds of leisure equipment for use on Lake Garda - Summer 2019

The Medieval castle Scaliger

The medieval castle Scaliger is considered one of the biggest sights in Malcesine. It reigns over the city on the slope close to Lake Garda. In the castle one can find a historical museum that pays homage to the area and the history of the lake. There is also an outdoor theater during the summer period.

The Medieval castle Scaliger

The best view is obtained from the 31 meter high pentagonal tower. The castle's courtyard, Rivellino, is due to its beauty a favorite place for wedding ceremonies.

Wedding at the castle
The medieval castle, Castello Scaligero, is unique with its winding edges and interesting tower. It was built in the 14th century by the della Scala family, who at that time ruled in Verona.

Bredden langs Gardasøen er ganske attraktiv og det kan anbefales at man lige tager en cykeltur

Et par indtryk fra opholdet i Malcesine

Færgen fra Malcesine til Limone og Riva - Sommer 2021


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