Cycle route Weesp - Vreeland









Cycle Route Weesp - Vreeland - Utrecht

by Lars Haagen Petersen

A small "cottage" near Vecht - Spring 2022

This route is about 40 km from the hotel in Weesp and to the center of Utrecht. Most of the time its cycling along the Vecht, but almost right after the start its cycling along the Rhine canal until shortly before the Nigtevecht. Here you can use the small solar-powered bicycle ferry in Dorpsstraat to the opposite bank, where you cycle towards Overmeer and subsequently to Vreeland. From Vreeland, follow the river Vecht to Utrecht (see map below).

The small ferry berth in Nigtevecht - Autumn 2021

Vecht near Vreeland with the church tower in the background - Spring 2022

The route is characterized by giving ample opportunity to see the many beautiful boats sailing on the Vecht. If you want to see as many as possible, it is recommended that you cycle the trip on a warm and sunny summer weekend, where it is a real pleasure to see the many beautiful old boats on the water.

In Vreeland, it is a good idea to taste one of the pancake house's specialties, for which they are known. The restaurant is located in the middle of the small town close to the swing bridge over the river in Breedstraat 8.

Van Leer Brug in Vreeland - Spring 2022

The small cozy village, Vreeland, has only approx. 1,500 inhabitants, but offers several restaurants, including a Michelin restaurant, "De Nederlanden" located by the seesaw bridge in Duinkerken 3.


Near Mijndense sluis - Loenen aan de Vecht - Spring 2022

Beautiful boats - Vecht - Forår 2022

On a hot sunny day, there is lively traffic on the river Vecht...

Spring - 2022

...and many of the boats are really ...

....a true delight to the eye.

Vreeland - Van Leer Brug - Spring 2022

When you cycle along the Vecht to Utrecht from Vreeland via Breukelen, which by the way has given its name to Brooklyn in New York, it is not only the many beautiful boats that impress, but also the many beautiful mansions along the river. Many of these were built in the early 18th century by wealthy merchants from Amsterdam who had difficulty enduring the stench of the canals of the capital in the summer.

One of the many mansions seen along the Vecht - Spring 2022

When you think about how high house prices are in e.g. Weesp, then, the great mansions along the Vecht must be almost priceless.

"Rupelmonde" - Mansion along the Vecht near Nieuwersluis - Rijksstraatweg 24 - Spring 2022

The first known owner of the mansion "Rupelmonde" was Jean de Wolf, a well-known 18th-century Amsterdam merchant. He probably gave the house the name Bereveld, which was later changed to Rupelmonde by one of the next occupants. This next resident was a merchant from Rupelmonde near Antwerp. Originally, the house was built in the early 18th century in Louis XIV style.

Oudegracht Kanal i Utrecht

Utrecht is the largest university city in the Netherlands and for the same reason it has a lot of cafes and pubs. Some of them are located along the Oudegracht - the city's main canal.

From Weesp in the north to Utrecht in the south - Click on the image for directions

You can cycle home along the opposite bank or take the train from Utrecht to Weesp via Hilversum.

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