Cracow Kazimierz 2. part

by Lars Haagen Petersen

Stary Sklep or Old Shop - May 2012

After the Second World War was Kazimierz mostly populated by the poor and the sometimes criminal element. At least one synagogue was torn apart by scavengers seeking hidden Jewish treasure.

Kazimierz 2012

A small cafe - and a little too early for costumers - Kazimierz 2012

Over the last two decades there have been a large restoration of important historic sites in Kazimierz and a booming growth in Jewish restaurants, bars, bookstores and many Jews are returning to Kazimierz from Israel and America.

Kazimierz district is situated 1½-2 km. south of the Old Cracow centre .

Kazimierz - May 2012


Though the old buildings are not completely restored after years of decay they are in use - just like the building below which is converted into a bookstore.

The Old Synagogue to the left is estimated to go back to the 15th or beginning of the 16th century.

Many foreign Jews flock to Kazimierz after the renovation of the district started and many stay overnight at the nearby Hotel David.

Szeroka Kazimierz - May 2012

Click on the pictures to enlarge them.

Pictures from Kazimierz - Cracow - May 2012

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