And why all this fuss about Weesp

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And why all this fuss about Weesp?

Well….. I’m - as you probably have noticed – quite fond of the town and why not show it or share it with others! It’s not Amsterdam, Paris or New York, but it’s a nice enjoyable small city. A good place to relax and the citizens are friendly and easy to be around.

Weesp - Summer 2007

And just for the record - I have no shares in the town, I’m not in family with the hotel owner - as far as I know - I don’t know the mayor or any other of the good citizens for that matter, and I am by no means selling anything.

Weesp - Summer 2010

And what you won't find on this website

There will be not be many exact informations about how many inhabitants there are in Weesp or how many organ pipes there are in the "Grote Kerk " or anything else of that kind. And why not? Because it has no interest to me and because this is a website about how beautiful the city and the area is. It's not a website about numbers and statistics. If you absolutely need this kind of information go elsewhere - Try the tourist office, the town hall or the local priest for that matter. Everybody else than me knows it probably better.

Cykelrute ikon

Cycle routes

Weesp - Summer 2010

And who am I?

Well it doesn’t really matter. Just a Dane who loves Weesp, the nature and to travel. The type of guy who for instance at any time would prefer the company of the wise sad eyed stray dogs at the hill Pnyx near Acropolis to an invitation to a fancy artificial island in Dubai. And that is probably one of the main reasons why I like Weesp, the hotel and the funny “Cuban gallery”. There is nothing artificial about it.

One of many stray dogs at Pnyx – The hill between Acropolis and Piraeus - Autumn 2007



If you have any comments - positive or negative - or any information you think I should hear or which you think should be written on this site, please mail me or make a comment below. I’m especially interested in hearing about interesting cycles. But feel free.

Click on the pictures to enlarge them.

Mixed pictures from Weesp and the area around the town - 2007

You can contact me using this address:

Andre glimrende rejsemål/

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