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Mdina - The Quiet City

A narrow street in Mdina


The pictures are from Mdina - Winter 2008

Remains of houses have been found as early as 4000 years before the birth of Christ, but it is probably only approx. 700 years before our era, that people began to fortify the city. That this particular place has been chosen is obvious. It is centrally located in the country and in one of the highest places. The buildings were erected in the Arab period from 870 until the Normans conquered Malta. These built a thick fortress wall around the city and a moat, which made the city almost impregnable.

Below is the decoration and the main entrance to the cathedral, which was built between 1697 and 1702.

Above is the palace built by the Roman governor. Today it has been converted into a hotel and restaurant.

Above St. Paul's Cathedral, Mdina
A powerful earthquake in 1693 destroyed large parts of the city including the cathedral. This was later rebuilt according to drawings by the Maltese architect Lorenzo Gafa.

The pictures are from Mdina - Winter 2008

Decorated house in Mdina

Mdina is the best-preserved medieval city in the world and Malta's first capital. Here live approx. 400 people and among them some of Malta's ancient noble families. The small streets mean that one has been forced to restrict access for cars to those belonging to the residents. This means that you can often only hear birdsong, which in this world is becoming a rarity.

Decorated house in Mdina

The pictures are from Mdina - Winter 2008

St. Paul's Cathedral is a cathedral located inside the old capital. It is built on the site where it is claimed that Publius - Malta's first bishop should have met the apostle Paul after his shipwreck.

From St. Paul's Cathedral, Mdina - December 2009

From St. Paul's Cathedral, Mdina - December 2009

Mdina - homemade postcard

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