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by Lars Haagen Petersen

Bar "Vinos el Lagar" - Frigiliana Christmas 2022

Frigiliana with its 3000 inhabitants is located approx. 7 km. from Nerja is one of the most beautiful cities in Andalusia, but also one of the most exhausting cities to visit, at least if you want to go all the way up to the top.

The oldest part of the city was built by the Moors and it is the part that is best preserved and most worth seeing.

Beautiful view of the Mediterranean from the old town of Frigiliana - Christmas 2022

"Welcome to Frigiliana" - Christmas 2022

A few Danish artists moved to here years ago, but moved away again when summer tourism increased in ever greater numbers. Thus, more and more tourist buses came every day with people swarming around the small town's narrow streets and alleys and it can easily become too cramped with the space.

Christams 2019

Most of the streets are very narrow and steep, but definitely worth a visit, also because the city's residents go to great lengths to maintain their city.


In several places in the old town, pictures can be seen on the walls which tell the history of the town - Christmas 2018

Each of the old town's small squares has a small chapter of the town's history displayed in a beautifully decorated ceramic tile panel. And if you know Spanish, you can read each chapter as you walk around and learn what happened, especially about the last battle between the Christians and the Moors during the rebellion of 1569. There are 12 panels in total. The ceramist behind these works of art was Pilar Garcia Millan.

Art by Pilar Garcia Millan - Christmas 2022

View from a cozy bar and restaurant "El Comendaó" - Christmas 2018

When the Moors lost in 1609, the survivors of the fighting were deported to North Africa, which was the end of an otherwise fruitful time for the small town. However, it was not the Moors who created the city. Traces of the first settlements can be dated back to 3000 - 1500 BC. and remains from Roman times can also be seen.

Flaminco dance

A view to a cozy bar "Vinos el Lagar" - Christmas 2022

The town has many attractions to offer, such as the old town with cobblestone streets and whitewashed houses, El Ingenio, which is a manor house from the 16th century, housing the only remaining syrup factory in Europe, and The Old Fountain, which is a symbol of the town’s water supply. The town also has a wide range of small craft shops, where you can buy local products made of straw, clay, glass or wool.

Frigiliana - Christmas 2022

If you visit Frigiliana in August, you can experience the 3 Culturas festival, which is a festive event that celebrates the peaceful coexistence of the three monotheistic religions in the region. You can also enjoy the local gastronomy, which is based on fresh ingredients and syrup. Some of the typical dishes are fried eggplants with light syrup, roasted lamb in almond sauce, wine and migas, which is a dish made of bread crumbs.

"Frigiliana" - Christmas 2016

If you are in doubt as to where you are, you can always just look down at one of the manhole covers that says they belong to Frigiliana's town hall - "Ayuntamiento de Frigiliana".

And should you fancy another cozy little village, "El Acebuchal" a few kilometers away can be recommended.

There are several walking routes from Frigiliana to El Acebuchal, a small village that was abandoned in the 1940s during the Spanish Civil War and rebuilt in the 1990s. The village is known for its quiet atmosphere, its traditional architecture and not least its cozy restaurant, where you can taste local specialties such as goat meat and wild boar.

One of the most popular routes is a trail that runs along the dried up river Higuerón. The trip is approx. 10 km round trip and offers beautiful views of the mountains, valleys and Frigiliana. The trail is moderately challenging and requires sturdy shoes. You can start the tour from the public car park in Frigiliana and follow the signs for El Acebuchal.

"Along the way to El Acebuchal" - Christmas 2016

Another option is to take a circular route that goes through Venta Cebollera and Cerro Verde. The trip is approx. 15 km and has a height difference of approx. 600 m. The hike is quite intense and is suitable for more experienced hikers. You can start the trip from a point before reaching El Acebuchal and follow a path that goes up the mountain. On the way, you will pass through pine forests, thyme and rosemary fields and will be able to enjoy the panoramic view of the area. You will also pass by Venta Cebollera, which is an old inn where you can have a refreshment or a meal. The tour ends by going down Cerro Verde back to the starting point.


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