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Colorful fishing boats in Marsaxlokk - Winter 2008

Marsaxlokk is Malta's largest fishing port and is located in the south-eastern part of the island. The city name comes from marsa, which means harbor and xlokk, which is the name of the dry wind that comes from the Sahara. The city has just over 3,000 inhabitants.

Most fish caught by Maltese are caught by fishermen from Marsaxlok, because more than half of all Maltese fishing boats belong here.

The fish caught here are typically swordfish, tuna and lampuki, which are sold at the fish market in Valletta.

The pictures above were taken from the harbor in Marsaxlokk - Winter 2008

In Marsaxlokk there is often a lot of activity at the harbor to prepare nets and maintain the boats, but there is also often bustle at the souvenir stalls, which are seen between nets and boats as more and more tourists have found their way to the city.

Busyness at the port of Marsaxlokk - Winter 2008

On almost all the small Luzzus fishing boats, two eyes are painted. This is the eyes of the Egyptian god Osiris, who is to protect the boats and their owners from all evil while at sea. The tradition of painting these eyes has persisted over the years even though the Maltese are strongly Catholic. The colors of the boats may vary slightly, but the overall colors are blue, yellow, orange, green and red.

Click on the pictures to enlarge them

Various pictures from the port of Marsaxlokk - Winter 2008


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