Dingli Cliffs

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Dingli Cliffs and the south coast of Malta

by Lars Haagen Petersen

Dingli Cliffs - December 2012

Few tourists experience Malta's southern coastline. This is probably due to the poor bus coverage in that area and the fact that it is a bit of a challenge to get around on your own in a rented car with right-hand drive. To this must be added that the signage in Malta is more than deficient when leaving the main roads. Fortunately, the latter issue can be remedied by bringing ones own GPS. I intentionally write "bring", because it is my experience that there are no such aid in most rental cars in Malta.
The first issue - Driving on the opposite side of the road, which most of us are not used to is unfortunately of a somewhat different nature, as it is a matter of "getting used to". When I first tried it, I had expected that roundabouts and the like, would give me the biggest challenges, but it quickly turned out that the hardest part was judging the distance to discounts, curbs, etc., which appeared on the left side of the car. It was a challenge I had not seen coming and which I constantly had to give a large part of my attention while driving in Malta. Here it is worth pointing out that it is a good idea to make passengers aware that it is a shared responsibility to complete the trip as safely as possible. It may well be that the driver has the final responsibility - and that is how it should be - but the fellow passengers can also contribute a little to the party to ensure that it continues as long as possible.

The uninhabited island of Fifla - View from Dingli Cliffs - December 2012

However, there are - according to reports - another option than renting a car to get to Dingly Cliffs. There should be a bus to the highest point where you can also find a restaurant. Of course, a bus does not provide the free movement that a car provides, but it is an option and if you are well-walking, you can certainly get a great benefit from the bus ride - Especially if you use the opportunity to walk around in the beautiful surroundings. If you have the time, it is definitely worth considering.


The views from Dingli Cliffs are unique and the cliffs are definitely a sight to behold. The same can be said about most of the coastline. However, I could imagine that it must be even more amazing to experience the coastline from a boat in clear and sunny weather. It must be an experience of the great.

Dingli Cliffs is located approx. 250 meters above the water and from there there is a fantastic view on a clear and sunny day.

If you have the time, it is recommended to bring some food and drink and then let the peace get in to you.

A hike can definitely be recommended if you have the legs for it.

The photos are photographed from Dingli Cliffs, from where there is a unique view - December 2012

Radar station - Dingli Cliffs - December 2012

Dingli radar station belongs to Malta Air Traffic Service.

Next door to Golden Bay is Ghajn Tuffieha, which is a very beautiful bay.

In summer, the bay is frequently used by bathers as it has one of Malta's best beaches.

To the right of the bay is one of the many warning towers that Malta has so many of.

Ghajn Tuffieha - Winter 2010

The coast of Gozo seen from one of the many bays on the south side of Malta
Click on the pictures to enlarge them

Mixed photos from Malta's southern coastline - Winter 2010

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