Cycle route Weesp - Driemond - Abcoude









Cycle route Weesp - Driemond - Abcoude

by Lars Haagen Petersen

Abcoude - Autumn 2020

This is a route (see map below) where you will cycle along the Gein-river most of the time till you reach Abcoude. When we started from Weesp it was our plan to drive through Abcoude to the river Amstel and follow it up to Amsterdam, but because of the bad weather we decided to stop before it went from bad to worse. For the same reason I can't say anything about how it will be to cycle from Abcoude to Amsterdam along the river Amstel, but I think it would be a great idea to do so.

Abcoude - Autumn 2020

Music: Ketsa - Becomming

The cycle route (see the map below for further information):

When you come from the centre of Weesp drive to to the west along Herengracht. There you cross the bridge to the other side of the river, where you have to follow Buitenweer and Verlengd Buitenweg till you reach Verlengde Runkade, which you follow to the left. After about 100 meters or so you will reach Gooilandsweg, Follow the road to the right and cross Weesperbrug. Short after you will be in the small town Driemond. When you have crossed the bridge the name of the road is Provinsialeweg. When you se the river Gein to the right drive down Gein-Noord. Follow the river for about 6 kilometres and you will be in Abcoude.

If you want to go back to Weesp from there but want to use a different route try to drive along the other side of the river Gein till you reach Velterslaan at your right. Follow that road and you will shortly after be at Fort Nigtevecht and Amsterdam Rijnkanaal. There you can follow the river to the left. After a couple of kilometres you will see Weesperbrug again. Cross it once again and you will be in Weesp.

As usual the route is chosen because of the nature you see...

...the water....

....and the bridges

Pictures taken on the way to Abcoude - Summer 2008

Even though we tried the route on a rainy day it was a fine little trip. I believe we cycled about 20 kilometres before we decided to stop. Later that day the sun shone again and we drove to Fort Uitermeer, where we stayed for a while to see the sun go down.

A church in Abcoude

Since 2011 Abcoude has been a part of the municipality of De Ronde Venen former it was Utrecht. It has approximately 8.000 inhabitants and lies about 13 km southeast of the centre of Amsterdam. It's a fine place to take a break and enjoy the old cosy town.

In the outskirts of Abcoude - 2020

In the outskirts of Abcoude - 2020

Boat on Amsterdam-Rijnkanaal - Summer 2008

Amsterdam-Rijnkanaal has a total length of 72 km. It is considered to be the most heavily used canal in western Europe. The canal's minimum depth is 5.5 m. It was built to connect the port of Amsterdam to the main shipping artery of the Rhine.

Abcoude - summer 2008

Abcoude - summer 2008

Abcoude is one of the many small towns in the area that "no one knows about", but that everyone should try to visit at least once. It is a very nice old and cozy place and you see these small villages everywhere and that is why it is such a remarkable experience for me to cycle around year after year in Holland.

The Cykel route from Weesp to to Abcoude via Driemond - Click on the map above for further information

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