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The capital of Malta


by Lars Haagen Petersen

Homemade postcard - Valletta -Winter 2008

Malteser Knight

Fort St. Angelo - Grand Harbour - Winter 2008

Valleta is the capital of Malta and as a city quite new. It was built after the great siege in 1565 and for the same reason built as an impressive fortification. The construction took approx. 3 years and the man behind was Grandmaster Jean Parisot de la Valette. Behind the walls of the fortifications live approx. 9,000 inhabitants, which is not much for a capital city. On the other hand, there are a number of interesting sights such as St. John's Co-Cathedral, Grand Master's Palace and Old Knights' Hospital.

Malta's capital, Valletta, was founded by Grand Duke Jean Parisot de la Valette on March 28, 1566.

The city, which is extremely beautiful, holds approx. 9,000 inhabitants and has many historic buildings and a unique harbor, Grand Harbor. There are also public gardens with views of i.a. the city's port.

When you have visited the city, you will understand why it was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. It happened in 1980.

The pictures are photographed from Upper Barrakka Gardens, from where there is a unique view - Winter 2008

One of the very few slightly larger streets in Valletta, which i.a. is known for its many bay windows - Winter 2008


The Republic Street - Christmas 2003

Upper and Lower Barracca Gardens offer the best opportunities to enjoy the view of the beautiful harbor complex and to enjoy the rays of the winter sun.

During Napoleon's siege of Malta, the Lower Barrakka gardens were used as a kitchen garden for the use of the soldiers. It was only when the British arrived that the place was converted into a park.

Upper Barracca Gardens was laid out as a recreation and exercise area, but now it is a park with a unique view. Below you will find Lascaris War Rooms. It was i.a. from here the Allies controlled the fighting in the Mediterranean and planned the invasion of Sicily.

Upper and Lower Barracca Gardens - Winter 2008

Grandmaster karikatur

Grandmasters Palace- Winter 2010

Jean Parisot de Valette (1557-1568) (Grand Masters Palace in Valletta)

Jean Parisot de Valette was a French nobleman and the 49th Grand Master of the Order of Malta from 21 August 1557 until his death in 1568. He was born in 1495. As a Knight of the Order of the Langue de Provence, he fought against the Turks on Rhodes. As Grand Master.

Valette became the Order's hero and most famous leader, commanding the resistance against the Ottomans at the Great Siege of Malta in 1565, often regarded as one of the greatest sieges of all time.
The foundation stone for Valletta was also laid by Grandmaster La Valette in 1566, but he did not see Valletta completed as he died in 1568 and was succeeded by Grandmaster Pierre de Monte.

Valletta seen from the air. From the photograph it is quite clear that it is a defense work (I)

St. John's Co-Cathedral, Valletta - Efterår 2008

When in Valletta you should not fail to visit one of the most impressive churches in the world - St. John's Co-Cathedral.

St. John's Co-Cathedral, Valletta - Efterår 2008

Over the years, the church has been transformed from a basic Mannerist church into an impressive and unique treasure. All grand masters and many knights have donated gifts of high artistic value and made enormous contributions to enrich the church with the best works of art by the leading artists of the time.

The church was intended as a landmark that could be seen from almost anywhere on the island, which is by no means the case anymore. It was built by the order's military engineer and architect Gironimo Cassar (c. 1520-93) and its austere design was meant to reflect the order's gloomy mood after the "great siege".

The facade is framed by two large bell towers topped with octagonal spiers. The church is rectangular with a wide nave, roofed with a barrel vault. The oratory and sacristy were built in 1604. The area also includes a cemetery.

St. John's Co-Cathedral, Valletta - Efterår 2008

St. John's Co-Cathedral in Valletta is a Roman Catholic co-cathedral dedicated to John the Baptist. It was built by the Johannite order between 1573 and 1578 and was commissioned by Grand Master Jean de la Cassière as the Conventual Church of Saint John.

Click on the pictures to enlarge them

Mixed photos from the capital Valletta - Winter 2008

The End


I Luftfotoet er lånt fra Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valletta

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