Cycle route Weesp - Spiegelplas - Hilversum

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Cycle route Weesp - Spiegelplas - Hilversum

by Lars Haagen Petersen

Bergse Pad Summer 2020

I have earlier described a cycle route to Hilversum but this one is a little longer. I have only tried the route a couple of times but I'm looking forward to use it more often. Especially the landscape near Spiegelplas is beautiful.

Ankeveense Plassen - Spring 2009

One of the more picturesque places you will see... Ankeveense Plassen near Bergse Pad...

...where the house and the garden are especially beautiful.

Spring 2009

Bergse Pad 2020

Music: Ketsa - A Suitable Ensemble

Bergse Pad - Summer 2020

The cycle route from Weesp city center to Hilversum via Spiegelplas:

See the map below and by clicking on the map you can see a full description at Google Maps.

I'm always fascinated by all the different boats on the river Vecht.

Summer - 2008

I'm especially thrilled when I see one of the old ones....

....but they don't have to be old as long as they are well designed.

The river Vecht - Summer 2008

When you cycle at Dammerweg then follow the river till you see the sign as shown on the picture below.

Click on the picture to enlarge

Drive to the left down Googpad and follow it about 100 meters before you drive to the left and down Dammerkade. After approximately 250 meters you will reach Bergse Pad to your right. Now it would be a good idea to take a short break and enjoy the landscape.

Bergse Pad - Summer 2020

Click on the pictures to enlarge

Pictures from Spiegelplas or near by - Summer 2008

Bergse Pad - Summer 2010

After the break follow Bergse Pad to the end of the road. There you will reach Stichts End where you turn to your right. After about 200 metres you will meet Herenweg, which you follow till you have to cross a small canal. On the other side you will find Noordereinde. Follow the way till you reach Leeuwenlaan at your left. If you follow that you will come to s-Gravelandseweg which will lead you to the centre of Hilversum.

Gees near Oude-Meentweg - Summer 2008

If you like, you can use the first described cycle route, Weesp - Hilversum, to get back to Weesp.

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