Babelsberg Park

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Babelsberg Park and Glienicker Brücke

Park Babelsberg

Babelsberg Park was laid out from 1833. The park was designed by the famous landscape architects Peter Joseph Lenné and later by Prince Hermann von Pückler-Muskau and Karl Friedrich Schinkel on behalf of Prince Wilhelm (later Emperor Wilhelm I) and his wife Augusta. During World War II, the park and castle were used by various military units. After the war, during the Potsdam Conference in 1945, Babelsberg Castle was used as the headquarters of the Soviet delegation.

Flatowturm in Park Babelsberg

Park Babelsberg is a 114-hectare park in the northeastern part of the city of Potsdam. It was built in 1833 and borders the lake Tiefen See on the river Havel. The water tower in Park Babelsberg is built in Gothic style and i.a. erected for the purpose of irrigating the park. From the tower there is a fantastic view of the Havel.
The park is a favorite excursion destination for young and old and in the summer you swim merrily in the lake, which borders the beautiful park.

Schloss Babelsberg

For over 50 years, Schloss Babelsberg was the summer residence of Prince William, later the German Emperor William I and King of Prussia and his wife, Augusta of the House of Saxony-Weimar-Eisenach, the German Empress and Queen of Prussia.
Since 1990, the Babelsberg Palace has been part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site "Palaces and Parks of Potsdam and Berlin". The castle is administered by the Stiftung Preuårsche Schlårser und Gægten Berlin-Brandenburg.
Since 2013, the palace has been undergoing an intense renovation.

Steam turbine building in Babelsberg Park

The steam turbine building was built in the years 1843?1845 and was then a technological breakthrough. The steam turbine was used to irrigate the park and for a fountain that shot a 40 meter high jet of water up the Havel, like a geyser.

"The Geyser" in Babelsberg Park - Spring 2010

In the GDR era, when Germany were divided, the engine house stood in the border country and decayed more and more. In recent years, however, they have fortunately begun to slow down the decline and secure it for the future.

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Wartmann's café- Waldmüllerstraße 8 - in Klein Glienicke by Teltowkanal - Summer 2019

Klein Glienicke is located at the end of Wannseer Böttcherberg between Griebnitzsee and Glienickersee, southeast of Glienicker Brücke. This is the only part of Potsdam located on the north-east side of the Teltow Canal and the Havel. Klein Glienicke is only connected to the town of Potsdam by a one-lane bridge that was originally intended for pedestrians. This leads across the Teltow Canal to Babelsberg Park in the southeast.
On the way to and from Babelsberger Park, it is obvious to cross the Glienicker Brücke and possibly to take a break in Wartmann's caféespecially after the Bürgershof in Waldmüllerstraße 4-5 has been partially demolished and converted into private homes.

Babelsberg is not only part of the city of Potsdam...

...but it is also a large recreational beautiful area ..

....where you have unique opportunities to enjoy nature

Babelsberg - Autumn 2006

Babelsberg is the largest district in Potsdam and is primarily known for its film studios. It was here that the Danish actress, "Die Asta", recorded a number of films that made her world famous.

Grunewald - Autumn 2006

From Babelsberg Park, it can be a good idea to cycle on to Berlin via Wannsee and the beautiful Grunewald, the famous forest close to Berlin.

Glienicker Brücke - Summer 2007

The Glienicker Brücke stretches across the Havel River and connects the cities of Berlin and Potsdam. In 1949 it was ready after being rebuilt after the war.
On a hot summer day, it can be hard to imagine that this idyllic bridge should have been the backdrop for spy exchanges during the Cold War. It was then that the bridge in the GDR was called "Brücke der Einheit" and where American and Soviet soldiers faced each other directly. The first of three spy exchanges was on February 10, 1962, when American pilot Francis G. Powers was exchanged with KGB master spy Rudolf Abel. While the bridge was closed, there were numerous civilians trying to escape from the GDR via the bridge. Most failed, but in 1988, three residents of Potsdam managed to break through the barricades of the bridge in a large truck. Subsequently, additional barriers were set up on the bridge so that a repeat was not possible. For many years after the Cold War, one could see on the asphalt where these barriers had stood.

Those who gave it the name "Unity Bridge" also built the Wall, pulled barbed wire, created death stripes and thus prevented unity.

Glienicker Brückeor"Brücke der Einheit".... it was called in the GDR era... beautifully situated on the border between Berlin and Potsdam.

Pictures from Glienicker Brücke - Autumn 2017

Glienicker Brücke - Efterår 2020

In the picture above, it is clear that they could not agree on wich green color to choose, as the bridge was divided during the Cold War. It is brightest on the Potsdam side, which was then part of the GDR.

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