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The famous Gleneagles bar in Mgarr - Gozo 2013

Gleneagles bar, was built in 1732 next to the original jetty in the harbor. It was built for the passengers who were to take the ferry to the main island of Malta
When you go to Gozo by ferry, it is the port city of Mgarr that you arrive at. It is the island's largest fishing village and that there is a famous bar - Gleneagles bar. From the bar's balcony there is an excellent view of the harbor and it is definitely recommended that you just visit the bar before taking the ferry back. There is a friendly and cozy atmosphere and then it is a great place to enjoy a drink or a beer.


Gleneagles bar in Mgaar - Gozo 2013

Gozo is the second largest island in the Maltese archipelago and has a population of just over 30,000 inhabitants. Gozo, which is approx. 67 km2, is the greenest and most fertile of the islands and this is where most of Malta's crops are harvested. For the same reason, the island is also called Malta's pantry. However, the island is also called Calypso's island, as it is believed that this was where Calypso held Odysseus captive.

The Azur window on Gozo was one of the more visited places in Malta until it collapsed in the spring of 2017 - December 2009

Near Dwejra Point and Dwejra bay you could find one of the major tourist attractions on Gozo - the Azur window - which was a huge approx. 50 meter high rock formation that jutted out into the water. Unfortunately, it crashed in 2017.

It is easy to get to Gozo as there are approx. once an hour a ferry departs from the main island of Malta. The crossing takes 20 minutes and along the way you pass the small island, Comino, where the fixed population is more than sparse - about 5. When you get out of the ferry terminal, you are almost attacked by taxi drivers who are ready to drive you to the capital, Victoria or on sight seing. Here it makes sense just to take it easy. Depending on the season, the number of tourists, etc., the price of these services fluctuates and there is not necessarily any reason to believe that the first offer is the best. And if you just go to Victoria, the bus stops right next door and it is reasonably cheap. However, one should just be aware that any tickets purchased in Malta do not apply to Gozo.

There can be great benefits to using a taxi for a round trip on Gozo, as it is definitely the easiest and probably also the best way to see everything you want. The drivers know where it's worth coming and they are happy to tell you about the island, its history and so on at an affordable price.
As on the main island of Malta, there is plenty to see and hear and it can be a good idea to have made up with yourself and other fellow travelers what to see before starting the tour.

Comino is approx. 2.5 km2 and is more than sparsely inhabited in the winter. In the summer, the situation is completely different. Here a lot of tourists come primarily to swim in the "Blue Lagoon" or to dive in the area.

During the summer, it is also possible to stay at the only hotel on the island - Hotel Comino.

St. Mary's Tower - the most visible building on the island was built in 1416. The tower, in line with the other towers in Malta, was to be used as a lookout point so that enemies could be detected in time and warning could be sent on.

During the trip to Gozo you pass the small island, Comino - Winter 2013

Comino has over the years been inhabited by such diverse peoples as pirates, hermits, prisoners of all kinds, knights in exile and farmers. In 1620, Grand Master Wignacourt had the tower built, which can still be seen and approx. 30 soldiers were stationed there. Furthermore, knights who for some reason had come into disfavor were often posted on Comino. There they also had ample opportunity to think in all undisturbedness about whether there should be something they regretted. Later, farmers came along and it must have been hell on earth to try to grow something on the rocky and barren island.
In recent times - in 1912 a hospital was built for the use of patients with cholera. Here they could be kept isolated so that the risk of infection could be minimized and in 1993, after the outbreak of African swine fever, in which Malta's pig herds succumbed, a special laboratory was built where pig herds could be rebuilt in isolation. This is now closed and the only people who inhabit the island permanently are people who have their income via the tourists who come to dive, swim or party. Many of the guests then take the opportunity to spend the night at Comino's absolutely only hotel.

The port city of Mgarr - Winter 2008

The island's capital, Victoria, is located in the middle of the island and has a small population of 6,500. Until 1887, the city was named Rabat, as the city at Mdina in Malta, but in connection with the 60th anniversary of the Queen Victoria of England, the city officially changed its name to Victoria.
Victoria consists, in addition to the main street - Republic Street - of many small cozy streets, which were said to be made as small labyrinths for an enemy to lose orientation during an attack.

You can often buy knitwear at Gozo with great advantage - i.a. in Victoria - Winter 2013

Just like in Valletta, Victoria also has a large central bus stop. From the bus stop there are excellent connections to most of the island's sights such as the Ggantija temples, Calypso´s Cave, Ramla Bay or Fungus Rock.

One of the many winding streets in Victoria - Winter 2008

The pictures above are from some of the many small streets in Victoria - Winter 2008

"Salt pans" near Marsalforn on Gozo. Here, salt is extracted from the seawater. In the southern countries, salt is produced by letting sun and wind evaporate seawater in basins.

The seawater is led into large basins, where evaporation begins. As the water evaporates, the concentration of minerals in the water increases.

At some point, the minerals begin to crystallize and, fortunately, salt crystallizes out as the last mineral. This means that in the end there is only salt left in the water and when the water has evaporated completely away, the salt lying on the bottom can be collected.

"Salt pans" near Marsalforn on Gozo - December 2009

The End

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