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Bad Karlshafen

The River Weser

by Lars Haagen Petersen

Kilian church in Høxter

The Weser is a river in Lower Saxony in northwestern Germany. It has its origin in the Hannoversch Müden where the rivers Werra and Fulda run together. Further on, it passes i.a. through the Hanseatic city of Bremen. Its estuary is 50 km further north at the ports of Bremerhaven and Nordenham, where it flows into the North Sea.

The river Weser's way through Germany - Image borrowed from Wikipedia

"Weser Radweg"
It is possible to cycle along the Weser cycle path over a distance of about 520 kilometers between Hann. Münden in the Wese Highlands and to Cuxhaven on the North Sea. The route goes through very different landscapes and cities.


Weser including Werra is the longest river in Germany, which runs exclusively in the country itself.

The Weser begins as mentioned above at the confluence of the Fulda and Werra and then flows down to the Porta Westfalica at the gorge between the two high hills, the Wiehengebirge in the west and the Weserbergland in the east.

The Weser Stone is located where the rivers Fulda and Werra flow together and become Weser. Here it has stood since 1899

"Where Werra and Fulda kiss
They have to pay for their names
And here arises from this kiss
German to the sea through the Weser river.
Hann. Münden, d. July 31, 1899"

Between Minden and the North Sea, the river bed has been processed so that ships up to 1,200 tonnes can sail the river. Furthermore, eight dams have been built to make it all possible. The river is connected to the west by the Dortmund-Ems canal and to the east by Bremerhaven to the Elbe.

Many people use Weser for recreational purposes for obvious reasons

A large reservoir, the Edersee, on the Eder, Fulda's largest tributary, is used to allow sufficient water depth for navigation all year round. The dam, built in 1914, was bombed and severely damaged by British aircraft in May 1943, causing extensive damage and about 70 deaths. Subsequently, it was rebuilt within four months. The reservoir is a large recreational area and the turbines erected provide cheap electricity to the area.

One of the tour boats from "Flotte Weser" at Høxter - Summer 2016

Tourboat - Flotte Weser

The map above shows the sailing route along the Weser

Flotte Weser

One of the most relaxing things one can do is to take a boat trip on the river Weser. The map above shows the sailing route and the link refers to the sailing schedule.

Holzminden - Summer 2016

Weser flows into the North Sea in the southernmost part of the German Gulf. In the sea it divides into two, one of which is called the "Alte Weser" (old) and the other the "Neue Weser" (new). Both are used by ships on their way to the ports of Bremerhaven, Nordenham and Bremen. The "Alte Weser" lighthouse marks the northernmost point on the Weser.

Alte Weser-fyr

The picture is from the river Weser between Høxter and Bad Karlshafen - Summer 2016

Maps and information about the cycle route along the Weser river

There is a lot of literature and information about the bike route and in all the towns along the route, there are information offices that are happy to help. However, it is recommended that you use the link below just for a start:


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