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Car Rental Malaga

by Lars Haagen Petersen

I never imagined that I would advertise for a car rental company, but when I started renting a car in Malaga, I would have gladly accepted some good advice. It would have saved us a lot of worry and money. I have had the opportunity to ask travelers in Andalusia which rental company they prefer and if they are satisfied with it. I received approx. 50 answers that were basically almost all the same. They pointed to Malagacar.com and they do so because it is relatively cheap to rent a car, because they are satisfied with the service they receive and because there is no bullshit.

I have also used Malagacar.com myself, because there is quite a bit of money to be saved compared to the others we have used. It seems as if the cars are allowed to get a little older in the service, but since they are fully functional and since there are a lot of Euros to save, that is perfectly fine with me. In December 2023, we rented a Renault Clio for 12 days and we paid 300 Euros for that, and it was with full insurance and very fast service.

When we arrived in Malaga, we went out to a minibus, whose driver took care of the luggage and drove us the kilometer to the company's address at the airport, where the staff were waiting to serve the customers. After they had checked that my passport and driving license were in accordance with the booking form I had filled out on the Internet before the trip, I was given a key and assigned a car. It probably took 5 minutes and when we arrived after the 12 days, I just drove the car into the reception room and handed the keys to the employee who met me and someone else took care of the luggage. Soon after we were at the airport and on our way home. It's hard to be dissatisfied with that service.

I just want to emphasize that the above is not meant as an advertisement, but as good advice from one traveler to another and if I learn that the company has changed its policy in a negative direction, then this will no longer be seen.

Have a safe journey!



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